About Us
We are experienced and caring optometrists who provide behavioural vision care, focused on prevention and treatment of vision problems, and how vision impacts human behaviour and performance.
If you require an appointment for comprehensive assessment of vision problems from an acquired brain injury, concussion, stroke or neurological condition, please ring our office on 61663777 for an extended appointment.
If you have a serious and urgent eye problem please email contact@eyesensevision.com.au or leave a message on 6166 3777 and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Optometrists who provide behavioural vision care:
- Are licensed professionals with post graduate education and advanced competence, in the neurology, development, prevention and treatment of vision problems, with an emphasis on how vision impacts on an adult’s or child’s performance and behaviour. Vision problems can affect the ability to read and write, use computers and i-devices, play sport, and walk. Behavioural effects of vision problems can include headaches, eyestrain, reduced working concentration and comprehension, avoidance of reading, as well as reduced abilities to achieve in education, work and play to a person’s full potential.
- Provide assessment and treatment of adults’ and children’s vision, prescribing spectacle and contact lenses, prisms, filters, vision therapy, and advice, to manage:
- Eye health, encompassing nutrition, general health , and the effects of psychological and physiological stress
- Focus and eye coordination flexibility and stamina problems which can affect visual attention, comfort and performance when reading and writing and using computers
- Development of tracking eye movement abilities for reading concentration and fluency
- Visual dysfunctions, including eyestrain due to focusing problems and convergence weakness, associated with excessive reading or near visual work including computers and digital hand - held devices (including mobile phones).
- Myopia (blurred distance vision) which has been scientifically shown to be associated with repeated excessive near visual work, including computer use and/or reading, and eyestrain over a long period of time, and less time outside
- Amblyopia (lazy eye) and strabismus (turned eye), using prescribed spectacles and vision therapy (which may include VR).
- Developing a child’s abilities of vision perception (information processing), to ensure age-expected abilities to learn to read and write, to then read to learn, to achieve their full potential, including:
- visual spatial, for judging distances, coordination and balance
- visual perception (memory, and visualisation (used in spelling and maths)
- visual motor (co-ordinate eye-hand skills for writing and sport),
- visual auditory
- visual consequences of neurological conditions, such as stroke and head injury, Parkinson’s disease, and concussion and whiplash, (neuro-optometric rehabilitation).
Please feel free to watch the 10 min talk below for a simple explanation on Behavioural Optometry.
"Overlooking our Vision" a Tedx Victoria talk by Cameron McCrodan.

Simoné Fanoy
- B Optom , GradCertOcTher
- Member of the Australasian College of Behavioural Optometrists (ACBO)
- Ocular Medicines Prescriber
Simoné Fanoy is an accomplished optometrist with a diverse background in eye care. Since embarking on her career in 2016, Simoné has exhibited a keen interest in working with children, particularly those facing reading and learning challenges. Her expertise extends to myopia control and the treatment of conditions such as amblyopia, strabismus, and ocular motor dysfunction. In 2022, she completed the OEP Curriculum Visual Therapy 1 and 2 (ACBO), further solidifying her knowledge in this field.
Simoné’s proficiency as an optometrist was evident when she passed the OCANZ exam on her first attempt before moving to Australia in 2021. Additionally, she completed her Certificate in Therapeutics, granting her the capability to diagnose and treat various ocular pathologies, including blepharitis, uveitis, corneal ulcers, and glaucoma. She has been working in Australia examining children and adults in all areas of care providing extensive assessment, diagnosis and care options including prescribing medications, spectacles , contact lenses and vision therapy.
Simoné's career goals include helping and treating patients with brain injuries and strokes, highlighting her commitment to comprehensive eye care and its impact on overall well-being. Recently, becoming a mother in early 2023 has sparked a new passion for her—laying a solid foundation in visual skills for infants. She understands the importance of early intervention in nurturing healthy visual development.

Liz Wason
- DipAppSc (Optom)
- Fellow of the Australasian College of Behavioural Optometrists
- Ocular Medicines Prescriber
- ACBO-accredited Neuro-Optometrist (ANOC)
- Optometric adviser to Parkinsons WA
Liz Wason has extensive experience and a special interest in the assessment of visual causes for poor performance and difficulties in day to day tasks. She also examines adults and children with turned and lazy eyes, special needs, migraines, acquired brain injuries, (concussion, stroke or head injury) and the management of ocular and visual effects of neurological conditions. She has achieved level 2 accreditation in the USA from the Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association (NORA). She is qualified to diagnose and treat eye infections and inflammation and prescribe drugs accordingly.
Liz also provides assessment and treatment of children’s vision development and processing skills in relation to learning performance. Vision therapy is also offered as an adjunct to the treatment she provides for many of these conditions.
Liz provided vision care for athletes and officials at the athletes’ village, Sydney 2000 Olympics, and the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games. She is Honorary Optometric Adviser to the Parkinson’s Association of Western Australia. She has previously held the position of State Director of ACBO in both Queensland and WA.
She has successfully mentored numerous Optometrists from Australia and New Zealand through their Fellowship of ACBO, and lectured at various conferences in Australia as well as Britain, Hong Kong and USA.
Liz graduated from QUT Brisbane and commenced her own practice on the Sunshine Coast and later in Gympie Queensland before moving to WA in 2001 as a partner and owner of Eyes On Oxford with Steve Leslie in Perth. She completed her Fellowship of the Australasian College of Behavioural Optometrists (ACBO) in 1996 and achieved Ocular Therapeutics endorsement in 2012. Her Perceptual Motor Program (presented as her FACBO thesis) has been introduced into some schools for early childhood years.

Steve Leslie
- B Optom
- Emeritus Fellow of the Australasian College of Behavioural Optometrists
- Fellow of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development
- Ocular medicines prescriber
- ACBO-accredited Neuro-Optometrist (ANOC)
- Specialist Certificate in Management of Neuro-Ophthalmic Disorders
Steve Leslie has advanced expertise and experience in assessment and management of focusing and eye coordination problems, and has a particular interest in neuro-optometric rehabilitation, the treatment of vision problems related to stroke, head trauma or neurological causes. He also provides diagnosis and treatment of external ocular diseases, such as conjunctivitis and iritis, and co-management of glaucoma, and is registered to prescribe ocular therapeutic agents for anterior eye diseases.
He has been awarded Emeritus Fellowship of the Australasian College of Behavioural Optometrists (ACBO, 2019), in recognition of exceptional expertise, service and dedication to the practice and science of Behavioural Vision Care; as well as the Armand Bastien International Award, for contributions to the advancement of behavioural optometry internationally (2018).
Steve has served as National President of Optometry Australia, and was awarded Honorary Life membership in 1997.
He is Level 2 accredited with the Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association (NORA). He provided vision care for athletes and officials as a volunteer optometrist in the eye clinics at the athletes’ village, Sydney 2000 Olympics and Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games, and has served with the Special Olympics Opening Eyes program in Australia and the United States to provide eye and vision care for people with intellectual disabilities.