Our Services
As well as the normal range of comprehensive care of vision and eye health examination, and glasses and contact lenses, the optometrists of EyeSense Vision have advanced vision care experience and expertise in a number of areas.
We offer our services to adults and children.

Children’s vision, and learning-related vision problems
Examination and treatment of problems of focusing, eye coordination and eye movements in children, which can affect their ability to use their eyes for reading and schoolwork, and can result in behaviours such as reduced concentration and comprehension, impaired reading fluency and accuracy, difficulty copying from the board, and reduced desire or even avoidance of reading.
Developmental vision assessment of visual abilities such as tracking eye movements, shape perception and memory, laterality and directionality, eye-hand skills, and visual-auditory integration abilities. If some of these abilities are not as well developed as expected for a child’s age, he or she may have significant difficulty learning to read and achieving to potential. These skills can be measured against age expected levels, and if indicated can be improved with vision therapy.
Strabismus (turned eye)
Strabismus is a loss of normal alignment of the two eyes, so that an eye may turn in (esotropia) or turn out (exotropia). This may occur occasionally (intermittent), especially when a child or adult is tired, or be constant. It may occur before six months of age, or in the toddler years, or sometimes later in childhood. Management involves careful assessment, as there are many variations, and treatment may include glasses, contact lenses and eye exercises (vision therapy).
Amblyopia (lazy eye)
Amblyopia can occur because of an eye turn, or a large difference in focus of the two eyes. Since the brain cannot cope with the double vision or blurred vision, one eye is gradually turned off to some degree. Treatment starts with comprehensive testing, possibly glasses or contact lenses, and exercises sometimes combined with short periods of patching of an eye. It is important to develop the focusing and movement abilities of each eye, to make them more equal and able to work as a team. Contrary to common belief, it is never too late to treat a lazy eye!
Head injury, concussion and stroke
Injuries to the brain from a stroke or head injury frequently cause many visual problems, including blurred vision, double vision, or loss of parts of vision. These problems can seriously interfere with performing activities of daily living such as walking, eating, reading and driving, and can also interfere with the effectiveness of rehabilitation care such as occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and speech therapy. The optometrists of EyeSense Vision have extensive experience in testing and treatment of these problems, to help people with acquired brain injury to recover and function as well as possible. We work very closely with other rehabilitation services, as well as Driver Assessment units.
Neurological problems
Conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, and thyroid dysfunction, all have significant visual and possible eye health consequences. It is important that these are identified and treated as well as possible to maximise quality of life and recovery.
Sports vision
Vision problems can interfere with your ability to perform to your potential in any sport at any level, whether it be playing at a professional level or just enjoying a social game of tennis or golf with friends. Both Liz Wason and Steve Leslie have years of experience dealing with vision issues in sports as diverse as clay target and pistol shooting, golf, tennis, hockey, basketball and cricket.
Special needs
Children and adults with issues such as cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome, and Fragile X syndrome frequently have eye problems which interfere with the person’s ability to achieve their potential. In our experience many of these problems are not picked up or treated as well as they could be, either because examination is not straightforward, or under the assumption that the vision problem is not worth treating when a person has significant special needs. We do not agree!
Vision therapy
Vision therapy involves a prescribed program of eye exercises to help the brain and eyes learn to focus, aim, coordinate, move and understand more effectively and efficiently. Vision therapy may be beneficial for specific vision problems of children, adults, sports participants and people with acquired brain injuries or neurological conditions.
Liz Wason and Steve Leslie have combined decades of experience in vision therapy, and teach vision therapy with other optometrists and vision therapists in Australia and overseas. It is vitally important you have vision therapy prescribed and managed by a highly competent optometrist in vision therapy.
Questions to ask your Optometrist:
Have you completed your ACBO (Australasian College of Behavioural Optometrists) Fellowship?
What accredited courses in vision therapy have you completed?
Do you provide individualised in-office vision therapy for vision function and visual processing?
Please watch the short You Tube video below for a simple explanation on Vision Therapy.
Myopia control
Optometrists who provide behavioural vision care have advised for decades that myopia, or shortsightedness, is in large part due to changes of the eyes function and structure caused by excessive use of vision for reading, computers and Ipads and Iphones. Recent research has proved conclusively that increased close work demands, combined with decreased time spent outside, is responsible for the rapid increase in shortsightedness in our community.
Myopia development can be minimised in the early stages, and progression of myopia can be significantly reduced, by approaches using dual focus spectacle lenses and contact lenses, very low dose atropine eye drops, and wearing contact lenses overnight (orthokeratology). Both Liz Wason and Steve Leslie have extensive experience in myopia control using all of these options, which depend on comprehensive assessment and diagnosis.
Emergency eye care
If you have:
- an urgent red or painful eye, or
- your vision has suddenly changed dramatically, or
- severe problems with wearing contact lenses
Please email our office on contact@eyesensevision.com.au, or leave a message on (08) 6166 3777, we monitor emails and messages regularly, and we will respond to you as quickly as possible.